Sunday, August 3, 2008

Travel Journal Update

forgot to write the location name for the image above, but it was a midevil castle called the "tower of the eagles" -I wish I had more time to devote to all the pages, but I have to illustrate/typeset/bind a book, keep two seperate travel journals, write a paper, give a presantation, and complete 3 illustrations extra all in two weeks.... you get the idea

Here is an Update on the Art History Travel Journal that I keep


caitlin said...

Hey girly -

your blog/work is looking really lovely. Glad to see that you're learning a lot and having a good time across the pond. Not gonna lie - I'm way jealous.

Random - who do you do your hosting for this through?


andym said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed your art work. I am looking forward to seeing more of this great artwork too. You have inspired me to go out and sketch. Hafe a great time and be careful.